The Applicability of Housing First Models to Homeless Persons With Serious Mental Illness
Carol L. Pearson, Ph.D., Walter R. McDonald & Associates, Inc.
Gretchen Locke, Abt Associates Inc.
Ann Elizabeth Montgomery, Walter R. McDonald & Associates, Inc.
Larry Buron, Ph.D., Abt Associates Inc.
2007 (July)
Understanding homelessness is a necessary step toward ending it, especially for those persons living with a chronic condition such as mental illness, an addiction, or physical disability. Ending chronic homelessness remains a national goal for President Bush, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and many within the homeless advocacy community.
In recent years, an approach known as Housing First has emerged as one model for serving chronically homeless people. HUD began this study as a first step in describing how Housing First programs actually work and what sorts of short term outcomes are realized by the people they serve.
This report, The Applicability of Housing First Models to Homeless Persons with Serious Mental Illness, provides a basic description of several programs that represent a Housing First model. The report should help clarify the issues and inform the policy discussion about how best to address the most vulnerable in American society.
In recent years, an approach known as Housing First has emerged as one model for serving chronically homeless people. HUD began this study as a first step in describing how Housing First programs actually work and what sorts of short term outcomes are realized by the people they serve.
This report, The Applicability of Housing First Models to Homeless Persons with Serious Mental Illness, provides a basic description of several programs that represent a Housing First model. The report should help clarify the issues and inform the policy discussion about how best to address the most vulnerable in American society.
Housing First
United States of America
Carol L. Pearson, Ph.D., Walter R. McDonald & Associates, Inc.
et al., “The Applicability of Housing First Models to Homeless Persons With Serious Mental Illness,” I4E: Housing4All Digital Library, accessed September 19, 2024,