Housing Irvine (HI)


Housing Irvine (HI)


Anita Coleman


June 3, 2018


The Housing Irvine, HI, collection brings together resources that help residents easily stay updated about the development of the full spectrum of housing in Irvine.




City of Irvine - Orange County - California - United States of America

Collection Items

The Changing Household and Housing Characteristics of Irvine, 2000-2016
A comprehensive project submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree Master of Urban and Regional Planning, UCLA. 60 page report with figures, tables, references, links, and footnotes. Advised by Melissa Fox, Irvine City…

3 table; 7 page report from the California Dept. of Housing and Community Development is a determination that represents Annual Progress Report (APR) data received as of January 31, 2018, and will be updated at least quarterly to incorporate new or…

[This is a great report to understand Irvine's visionary housing development, and principles and implementations such as inclusionary zoning and the Irvine Community Land Trust].

From the Executive Summary: The cost of housing is very high in…

The Irvine Housing Element (122 pages, PDF) is structured to reflect the “Housing Element Building Blocks” model developed by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).

HCD is responsible for …
View all 4 items
