Other Learning Experiences
Buffet of Educational Experiences: Feb 2 - May 4, 2019
- Irvine For Everyone Digital Library – http://irvineforeveryone.org/
Read at least one article in the different collections listed to learn about local homelessness issues. Collections are:
- Homeless Orange County Crisis – news, blog posts, personal stories, lawsuits, research, reports, and narratives about the homelessness crisis in the OC, beginning with the filing of Case 8:18-cv-00155 filed 01/29/2018 following the Santa Ana River evictions and including 2018 Year in Review by Voice of OC.
- Third Places and the Homeless, T-PATH – "Third places" such as libraries, churches, and digital social networks are important community builders because they are easily accessible and trusted. The Third Places and the Homeless, T-Path, collection brings together resources about exemplary third places that are creating and strengthening communities. The goals of this collection are 1) to increase understanding of third places; and 2) discover the front-line libraries, churches, and digital social networks that are addressing the needs of the homeless. The primary audience for T-PATH resources are people of faith, librarians, and teachers.
- Keep Irvine Safe and Strong – Although this collection is called Keep Irvine Safe and Strong it includes reviewed research articles and reports about homelessness related to crime, publicity safety, and security to keep any community safe and strong. The articles here help residents find research data to questions such as: Does homeless housing increase or decrease crime? Does it increase or decrease property values? What is the public safety approach to homelessness and how is it working? What are the tools, approaches, best practices, and solutions that are successful in ending homelessness?
- InSight Magazine – https://www.insightmag.org/
Read the article about the Santa Ana Riverbed homeless neighbors.
Launched Spring 2018, InSight Magazine is a University of California at Irvine student-run digital and print publication focused on making poverty visible and knowledge actionable. Its mission is to harness the power of media to educate, engage, and inspire change by exploring poverty, and highlighting creative and effective approaches to poverty alleviation across Southern California.
- The Lonesome Death of Peg-Leg Ronnie.
By Patrick Hogan. Photos by Sabrina Claros.
Patrick, activist and writer for the homeless, pens an essay about the death of Peg Leg Ronnie, a known presence on the Orange County Riverbed.
InSight Magazine, Inaugural issue. Pages 37 – 42.
- David Freeman Photography – https://whoisnexthomeless.com/
David writes: “I look for hope not despair. Taking photos of the homeless is in itself a work of art. Each one is different. Sometimes takes an hour to engage them and take a photo. Sometimes they throw things at you, others will cuss and call you names. Accuse you of making money on their photo. I have been spit on twice, once in Maui and other DTLA Skid-Row. The stories fill your inner-self quickly limiting how many conversations and photos you can each outing. You are always in a state of re-evaluating what you are doing. One thing is constant- you present yourself as an artist and the door usually opens and what is inside is unimaginable. “
- Faces of Santa Ana – Brian Peterson – http://merch.facesofsantaana.com/
Faces of Santa Ana was founded by Brian Peterson, an artist from Miami, Florida currently working as a car designer for Kia Motors in Irvine, CA. Brian writes: “Following Jesus has led us to do His work mentioned in Matthew 25:34-40. We have found great satisfaction and learned a lot about ourselves while helping those in need. This project has also reignited our passion and purpose for the arts and continues to teach us about unconditional and sacrificial love.” The mission of Faces of Santa Ana is to lovingly engage our neighbors without homes through art and creativity. We make it a priority to get to know each of our clients. We listen and tell their stories, meet them in their communities, and establish a healthy level of trust. We do this by befriending individuals who are experiencing homelessness, painting, and selling their portraits so that we can contribute to their life necessities. The subject receives 50% of the proceeds in what we call their “Love Account”. We manage the money for them by asking, “How can we help you with the proceeds from your painting?”.
- Homeless Perspectives: An Insider’s View of the Homeless Crisis in Orange County. Tim Houchen – http://homelessperspective.com/
Tim Houchen was homeless and living at the Santa Ana Civic Center between 2011 and 2015. He began advocating for the homeless community there while he was still homeless as a founding member of the infamous Civic Center Roundtable. The “grass roots” organization was composed of homeless individuals living at the civic center and Houchen was elected to serve as the group’s first official spokesman in 2014. Tim now lives in the City of Anaheim where he serves as a Commissioner of Housing and Community Development. Tim is also a member of the Orange County Continuum of Care and serves as Co-Chairman of the Homeless Providers Forum. He founded the nonprofit, Hope 4 Restoration, in 2017 and serves as Executive Director of the organization. Houchen created this site as a vehicle to share his knowledge, information and most of all, his experience which allows him to view the current homeless crisis in Orange County from a different and very unique perspective, a “Homeless Perspective.
- United to End Homelessness 101 Winter 2019 classes
Check the United to End Homelessness website for your city. Monthly classes are hosted at the United Way offices. Check on line at https://www.unitedtoendhomelessness.org/learn-more to receive updates on upcoming classes near you. The free workshops are repeated. Below is an example:
When & Where: Wednesday, February 13, 7:30 AM and Thursday, March 14, 7:30 AM at 18012 Mitchell Irvine, CA.
- Subscribe to Newsletters of Local Non-Profits (Not a complete list)
- Elder Law and Disability Rights Center - https://eldrcenter.org/
- Families Forward – https://www.families-forward.org/
- Human Options: Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Violence – https://humanoptions.org/
- Harbor Interfaith Services: Empowering the Homeless and Working Poor Since 1975– http://www.harborinterfaith.org/
- Illumination Foundation: Breaking the Cycle of Homelessness – https://www.ifhomeless.org/
- Skid Row Housing Trust (LA) – http://skidrow.org/
- South County Outreach – http://www.sco-oc.org/