The Buffet of Educational Experiences - Feb. 2 - May 4, 2019
Volunteer Experiences
Goal: Get to know, serve, homeless neighbors, and service providers
- Irvine4E Career Development Team
Irvine for Everyone is excited to partner with CareerWise and pilot an independent team job intervention team in Irvine. CareerWISE (Fullerton), which started in 2000, offers career development services to homeless clients in the shelters. Resume creation, job application, and practice interview services are offered to the homeless people in the places they live and congregate. CareerWise will provide the training and proven system to help an independent I4E team offer these services to homeless clients in Irvine/nearby. The number of openings for volunteers is limited to six people and one leader.
- Informational Social: TBD
- RSVP by email irvineforeveryone@gmail.com
- Friendship Shelter
For volunteering individually or in groups in the South Orange County area
- Prepare dinner at the residential shelter. More information at https://www.friendshipshelter.org/how-to-help
- Host a salon event to help educate your community about the issues surrounding homelessness. For more information, please contact kpoints@friendshipshelter.org
- Christian Outreach in Action, Long Beach
For volunteering individually or in groups in the Long Beach area
- Website: http://www.coalongbeach.org/
- Contact: Ana K. De La Torre | adelatorre@coalongbeach.org | 562-432-1440
- Address: 515 East Third Street Long Beach, CA 90802
- Mercy House Living is the operator for some of the major emergency shelters in the OC - For volunteering individually and in groups in the North and Central Orange County areas
- Armory Shelter Volunteer
- To volunteer at the Armory shelters (Dec. - June) for to https://mercyhouse.net/volunteer/armoryvolunteer/
- Contact: Alyssa Salazar at AlyssaS@mercyhouse.net for a volunteer application! Please note the minimum age to volunteer is 13 years old with a parent/guardian who is also signed up to volunteer. Volunteers are needed 7 days per week. Morning and Evening shifts available!
- For volunteering as individuals or groups in County-Owned Shelters – Bridges, The Courtyard, and others:
- Opportunities are listed here:
- For individuals: https://mercyhouse.net/volunteer/individuals/
- For groups: https://mercyhouse.net/volunteer/for-groups
Contact: Anne Sivley | annesivley@aol.com | (714) 501-4399
The Buffet of Educational Experiences - Feb. 2 - May 4, 2019