HomeHomelessness Demystified: Buffet of Educational Experiences

Homelessness Demystified: Buffet of Educational Experiences


Important Note: Some of the experiences - e.g. Housing tours - are now over but others - advocating, donating, volunteering, are continuing.  Please be patient as we update. Final Report of the Winter and Spring campaign will be made available this summer (late June). In the meantime, sign up for the I4E monthly news to stay updated.

During Winter and Spring of 2019 Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of Los Ranchos offered two Gatherings on Homelessness Demystified on Feb. 2nd and May 4th. The added benefit of these two programs was I4E-led Buffet of Educational Experiences (BEE)From February 2 to May 4, I4E partnered with faith, education, civic, and the nonprofit homeless service provider communities to offer many hands-on ways of learning about the complex social issue of homelessness. All of us learn in different ways.  That is why the Buffet or BEE planned different categories of learning experiences to help us #bethechange we want to see in the world. Choose activities for a plate of homelessness learning experiences, sampling from each category.  Read the important notes that follow.

How to Sign Up for the Buffet Experiences and Some Very Important Notes: Once you select the Experiences you want to add to your plate, be sure to RSVP before the deadline via the online links. RSVPs will open after the launch and will be by invitation.  Note that we may not be able to honor all RSVPs as some of the Experiences have a maximum number of participants limit.  RSVP early and check your email regularly.  Email will be the primary form of communication.

Some Experiences require IDs.  You must provide your own transportation (we recommend you carpool.   We will be praying for our collective learning and look forward to seeing you back at Homelessness Demystified on May 4th.  Enjoy!