Homeless Orange County Crisis (HOCC)


Homeless Orange County Crisis (HOCC)


Anita Coleman


2018 onwards -


The Homeless Orange County Collection, HOCC, is a curated set of news, blog posts, personal stories, lawsuits, research, and narratives about the homelessness crisis in the OC, beginning with the filing of Case 8:18-cv-00155 filed 01/29/2018 following the Santa Ana River evictions.


Orange County - California - United States of America

Collection Items

In late March and April of 2018, discussions erupted among many Southern Orange County residents about homelessness in the OC. In an effort to help…

A conversation between Mohammed Ally, attorney and founder of Orange County Poverty Alleviation Coalition and Irvine resident and researcher Dr.…

In March 2018 the Orange County Board of Supervisors, California, voted to use land that it owns in the City of Irvine near the Great Park, to erect…

1-page position statement of I4E. The mission of Irvine for Everyone is to form a group of Irvine residents supporting the creation of a full spectrum…

A set of three distinct presentations describe how the OC Continuum of Care is being built. The first, Assessment of Homeless Services of the County…

A housing trust fund will be created for OC if CA passes AB 448 (Daly) 2018.

Below is excerpt introduced in response to the OC Homelessness crisis.…

Lawsuit filed by the Elder Law and Disability Rights Center in the US District Court for the Central District of California, Southern Division. 40…

On a single night in January 2017, 4,792 people experienced homelessness in Orange County. Homeless people in Orange County are diverse: they are…

Susan Price (OC’s Continuum of Care Director aka The Homelessness Czar) assessment of homelessness services in Orange County and the need to do more.…

Appendix has a list of the anti-vagrancy and other laws/ordinances against homeless people for some OC Cities. The Policy Advocacy Clinic prepared…

In Housing is a Human Right OC, Orange County Catholic Worker, Emergency Shelter Coalition, et al vs. The County of Orange, The City of Irvine, The…

View all 12 items
