Browse Items (55 total)

In late March and April of 2018, discussions erupted among many Southern Orange County residents about homelessness in the OC. In an effort to help…

This article which cites research studies and data tries to answer the following questions in the wake of disputes against shelters for homeless in…

Homelessness is a concern throughout Canada in rural, urban, southern and northern areas (Wellesley Institute, 2010). One estimate of…

Most People Aren’t Affected by Homelessness. Until You Are. Until you come home from a war and just can’t tackle the day-to-day responsibilities…

Understanding homelessness is a necessary step toward ending it, especially for those persons living with a chronic condition such as mental illness,…

No Safe Place: A Survey of Hate Crimes and Violence Committed against Homeless People in 2014 & 2015 documents the known cases of violence against…

The purpose of this project has been to conduct a countywide cost study, with two primary objectives:
First, to estimate the economic expenditures…

This 8-page policy brief is a summary of the Furman Center’s research on the effects supportive housing has on the values of surrounding properties.…

A conversation between Mohammed Ally, attorney and founder of Orange County Poverty Alleviation Coalition and Irvine resident and researcher Dr.…

The Irvine Housing Element (122 pages, PDF) is structured to reflect the “Housing Element Building Blocks” model developed by the State…

Does the County of Orange have the political will to overcome the roadblocks to housing the county’s chronically homeless population? That's the…

On a single night in January 2017, 4,792 people experienced homelessness in Orange County. Homeless people in Orange County are diverse: they are…

3 table; 7 page report from the California Dept. of Housing and Community Development is a determination that represents Annual Progress Report (APR)…

Susan Price (OC’s Continuum of Care Director aka The Homelessness Czar) assessment of homelessness services in Orange County and the need to do more.…

A 2-page fact from the National Alliance to End Homelessness. Answers these questions:
What is Housing First?
How is Housing First different from…

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